Updating the inbuilt Mib3 Satnav Offline


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May 31, 2023
Hi there,
Just saw at the SEAT site the new map update, that we already got from the VW site.
But in SEAT site says : Current Map Database: July 2023 (P85) – version code 22.6
After updating to the VW one, like mentioned above, is version code 22.12
Does this means that the SEAT version is older, or i can't be compared like this?


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Seat will be older. Seat and Skoda drag their feet with updates. VW historically are always the most up-to-date. The same file distributed across the brands just that they are posted up in different time periods. You can use file examination software to produce a checksum on the software and compare. It all comes from the same source but distributed at different periods.

I haven't found yet where the date comes from in the .tar files.... I'm waiting for a youngster 🤣. It's either siting in those files unzipped or in binary form. That's where we need the youngster to find it. The NDS files can now be read with a subroutine library on github so it may be in there. Either way never edit or resave these files else the SLA checks will get you.
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May 31, 2023
Hi there,
I was browsing the SEAT maps update site, and saw that the next update will come at october 2023.
I thought that they only updated in 6 months intervals.
Better for us :)
I currently have the VW file, has the 22.12 version code (the SEAT one is 22.6). Hope that VW also releases something in october..


Active Member
May 31, 2023
You might find the October Seat one is the VW 22.12 version You have to load it up and check. Basically work cycles but if giving out old files on the cycle won't help.

Wait with interest to see what date you read on it.
Yeah. Thinking about it also. Probably SEAT will play catch up.
The hope is VW also releases something in october, and get ahead again
Sep 26, 2023
I have a T-Rock 2021 with MIB3 system.When I pres NAV button it says taht I can activate this in the shop,but when I go
to shop I do not have navigation to activate.
Is it enought just to do map update offline ,like described here or do I need to install nav aplication on the car mib3 system.If I need to install it
can someone please explain me how.


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Because you are in Croatia you might have bought it without navigation enabled. That will be a FeC. You could try installing the offline version in case there are two navigation FeCs, online and offline. In some markets the online maps were not supported.

I'm not sure how far the enthusiast community is on installing mib3 FeCs. Suspect not at the minute. Worth experimental to see whether it will take the map update, if it won't you then don't have a valid navigation FeC. Suspect you'll have to wait a bit until enthusiasts have sorted out a way of writing FeCs on mib3. Obviously check with local dealers on their story. If you do find a Mib3 car with maps loaded in your locality photograph the FeC screen for reference. In mib2 the navigation FeCs were interchangeable between brands although different. Activation you could buy for mib2 but enthusiasts found a workaround. For those activated the activation is for life now for off line maps.

For mib2 the experts were these, it's whether they continue there work into mib3. Depends on car ownership and challenges.

Sep 26, 2023
Thank you for reply.
I will try map update via usb. If that fails I will try with the dealer.
I did not see on VW pages to download anything else about navigation for offline instalation.
What FeC stands for so I can ask dealer what I need.
Thanks again


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Function Enablement Code

1. Hold Menu button until service mode shows.
2. Press "Function enabling codes (FEC, SWaP)"
3. Press "Installed codes"

I have brought them up on a mib3 using the standard way above. The installed ones shows what's installed and a tab available or whatever shows what has not been installed. Having identified the codes for mib3... you can see what's installed and what isn't. The mib2 ones are known so for mib2 high they begin with 073.... They run run in a hex range by quarter of release. I cracked these from Seat when we were having issues with retrofitters short changing people on "life long FeCs" on what had been enabled. By looking at when the map updates couldn't be done it was possible to work out the table which tallied with an Audi table but slipping the sequence and the first header (073 for Seat).

More in this section under Mib2 High / Seat Plus Map Update

Now these codes are known for mib2 across the Vag brands and can be written by that software I referenced above. The issue is I'm not sure whether the process of writing these has been mastered for mib3 for DIY, possibly not.

If you had a working mib3 with navigation activated and one that wasn't a comparison of FeCs reveals which one is important. If the activation was being sold the pack would write the FeC in if the offline one is missing. That's the only pointers I càn give.
Sep 26, 2023
Map updates was succsesfull, I see new version now, but navigation is not enabled.
I can post fec codes here if it is important.
I will contact dealer and inform you of the progress, if any…


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A move in the right direction. Your dealer may be able to activate navigation if they look into it for a price. Retrofitters are the next level if they know how to do it. Or DIY if enthusiasts have cracked it.

Normally in mib2 high if you install a map above the allowed navigation FeCs once you put a route in, it will show it for 30 seconds then complain and put up an error screen. Possible in mib3 what you are seeing is that the navigation FeC isn't installed so it is not giving you a navigation screen. Trapping that you need a navigation FeC calling it activation.

You can post up your FeCs for reference. If your dealer is unable to do it and retrofitters can't you may have to wait for the community to work out how to do it. May take a while. Going to be on github I guess once cracked.


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FYI: Updates available on Skoda Portal:
I spotted that. Not clear whether that's the November release or six months back. When VW release theirs in the month it will be. Unlike the mib2 high ones the release code isn't readable without loading it. You could try and see what month and year you get against the June release and what you get once VW releases. I'll edit in the VW November one when I see it.

It's the YY.DD we are interested in, in the Skoda release verses the VW November release when that's out.
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Apr 25, 2023
I've tried to find any information related to YY.MM within the files from the archive, but I can't find any!

The only way to find out the released version is to load the files on my car (SK Octavia 8). From top of my head a trip for at least couple of hours was mandatory OR at least this was the last process that I followed. BUT, I'm not planning any long trip until the weekend comes.

@Tell, Do you know any quick procedure(to test with) to load the files when car is stationary?



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I've tried to find any information related to YY.MM within the files from the archive, but I can't find any!

The only way to find out the released version is to load the files on my car (SK Octavia 8). From top of my head a trip for at least couple of hours was mandatory OR at least this was the last process that I followed. BUT, I'm not planning any long trip until the weekend comes.

@Tell, Do you know any quick procedure(to test with) to load the files when car is stationary?

Try this trick. Start the update off and open and close the door every 15 minutes. This will keep the infotainment system live. It's how I do my mib2 high. The infotainment units powers down after 20 minutes. A 15 minute period gives you 5 mins buffer period. I lock and walk off and get back 15 minutes later. Repeat etc. Should work if like mib2 high which I'm sure it is.
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Apr 25, 2023
Thx @Tell,

QQ1: How can I trigger the update? I remind you that I don't have the FeC enabled for Sat Nav feature. In the past I just inserted the USB-C mem stick in one of the from USB sockets and leave it there for the long trip.
QQ2: How many iterations? OR for how long?



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You are OK on FeCs now Mib3 is life time navigation FeCs. With the Usb in presented as per documented on a Skoda which will be the same as a Seat you press menu on a long hold and you will see or may be "update". Hit that. It was posted up on a Skoda board. Normally the long hold brings up the FeC menu but apparently to force the update to kick off it's on there. Report back with a picture if you find it.


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Here you go:

I realise this is a long time after the original post, but having finally got the maps on my 2021 Octavia mk IV updated manually, I thought I'd share the process. My SatNav system is Columbus MIB3. For context...

The Skoda salesman who sold me the car told me I could update maps manually, but I'd tried following the instructions on the Skoda update portal and got nowhere. I'd downloaded the maps (Central Europe) onto a 64gb USB c stick and inserted it into one of the ports by the gear stick. I left it in the car for several days, and nothing happened. The car was due to have some warranty work done, so I thought I'd take the USB stick and get the garage to upload the maps for me. When I collected the car, the service reception told me I needed a subscription, based on what their 'master technician' had told them. I made the point that I'd been given different information from the salesman, who just happened to be passing. He re-iterated that I did not require a subscription, took my USB stick, and returned 5 minutes later saying "All done!". So I asked him how he did it, and subsequently played with the system to see if I could do the same myself.
Step 1 - press and hold the menu button until you get the page showing "software/update".
Step 2 - Select option "software/update"
Step 3 - press "start update". Wait a few seconds, while the screen goes blank, and then enters "engineering" screen.
Step 4 - select "update", then select which USB port to take data from.

This should trigger the start of uploading of new maps data. The file is about 28gb (Central Europe), but 64gb drive recommended. I'm not sure how long the process took, the salesman said it should be completed by the time I got home - about 40 minutes. My maps version has gone from 20/07 to 22/12 which is supposed to be 2023/2024 maps, so it was indeed completed pretty quickly. It helps if you have a high speed USB stick, which reduces the data transfer time significantly.

Hope this helps...
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Apr 25, 2023
@Tell, I've just tried the above procedure, BUT it did NOT work for me: MIB 3 SW:1941. I've been able to access the Engineering Menu (been there done that before), but both USB slots(USB1 and USB2) are gray out. I'm using an 64GB USB-C stick formatted as ext-FAT.
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