Upgrade from L to XL pack

Mar 21, 2022
Hello !

I'm a current seat leon FR owner with L pack, but I really want travel assist (so I don't need to always touch the steering wheel, and it follows the road), do you know if it's possible, if there are sensors missing or it's just an hardware update ?
Did someone here tried it ?

Thanks :)


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
The travel assistant requires a capacitive steering wheel.
You still have to hold the steering wheel anyway. You can let it go for a moment and the car will follow the road, but it will still making sure that you do not drive without your hands on the steering wheel.
Mar 21, 2022
> The travel assistant requires a capacitive steering wheel.

But with the L pack it is already the case ? As if I approch a blank line, the steering wheel will turn to go back to the center of the road.
And yes I have to hold the steering wheel, but I can simply touch it every 10s


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
If it is really enough to touch it (but not rotate it), it is possible that you already have a capacitive one.

There is a topic somewhere with a description of how to code travel assist.
Look these:
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