I think im going to start saving for a Cupra


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Well done buddy! :happy:
Thanks mate! :D

I had rather an interesting day at work, its all money related as is everything with the boss.

Anyway...He came upto me with a concerned look on his face and said...
"Ben, why did you do 12 hours overtime last week"

I said..."Because there was work there to be done, and i'd rather do it than leave it"

His response was... "Well i appriciate your commitment, but from now on all overtime has to be sanctioned" (meaning i have to ask before i do any)

All in all, that would mean my overtime would be halfed if that! I'd probably do an hour or two a week if he got his own way!
I wasn't going to let that lie though, and after work i rang my area manager and asked him to speak to the boss about a payrise.
He said he was meaning to do that and that he was going to see 'the number 2 now' then he text me about a minute later saying you've got one. :D

My overtime will be sliced, but that may just bite the boss on the arse in the future when overtime HAS! to be done because it will! :D

I don't like this way of doing things, but as much as i hate it, i dont think you get anywhere in life if you dont force things and be a bit of a **** but this payrise is massively overdue, and im not just saying that. I've taken on a completely different role and also i cover for my manager when he's away who's on double what i am, and get the same money as i'd get doing my normal job. It's a joke!

Oh yeah.........£2,500! :D

I'm so gonna do this! :p


Active Member
Mar 24, 2009
Congrats on the 2.5k mark! Had my cupra for about a month or 2 now, and I still love driving it, love being in it, even the M25 was bearable with the heavy clutch and aching feet just to look down the bonnet and see the red dials, blast the factory stereo out, I could go on forever! Keep up the hard saving!


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Congrats on the 2.5k mark! Had my cupra for about a month or 2 now, and I still love driving it, love being in it, even the M25 was bearable with the heavy clutch and aching feet just to look down the bonnet and see the red dials, blast the factory stereo out, I could go on forever! Keep up the hard saving!

I've got to say...one of the things i'm really looking forward to is experiencing the seemlesly never ending grin or smile this car seems to keep giving its owners even ones that have had it for a long time.

It's taken me...say from the start of this thread, when i first typed and posted the opening introduction to my task which was the 11th January.
Now at the 22nd May i have £2,500, so a little over 4 months, if i keep that up then in 4 months time i should have £5,000 also i should get around £2,000 for my Leon so you could say thats £7,000!

But if i went on for another 4 months i could buy the car and pay off the insurance aswell!
Im commited now, so i really dont want to do any half measures and go for this the full way!
Jun 26, 2008
Just round the corner.
Well done mate,
When you get your cash together, just take your time in spending it.
There are loads of cars to choose from, so have a go in as many as you can. This'll help you get the best car for your money.

Good luck mate.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Well done mate,
When you get your cash together, just take your time in spending it.
There are loads of cars to choose from, so have a go in as many as you can. This'll help you get the best car for your money.

Good luck mate.

Yeah thanks for pointing that out buddy.
When i bought my first and current car, i couldnt buy one quick enough! I bought the first one i viewed and although i dont think it was a mistake, it could well have been due to how keen i was!

Im hoping some of that incentive is lost as i do actually have a car now and the whole thing about buying your first car will have gone.
I have experienced owning one now and i think i realise the importance and value of buying a good one!

If i go to see a few, then also haggle with each i surely could come to a good and clear conslusion as to which is the best car to buy.
At the end of the day, i could be spending anything from £7-9K here so i'd be stupid not to make a confident well thought out decision.

I think i'll take 2 people with me or as many that want to come, to help me keep my feet on the ground.


OEM Lover
Jun 23, 2007
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire
Im on the same boat as you and feel the same. I have just ugraded from a 1.2 Ibiza to a Leon Cupra, and also being young (21) Im paying £1100 a year for insurance. But it's worth it!!! So you have got yourself a good deal. My insurance company is local so it's more expensive than well known companies like Admiral ect, but I get such good service it's worth it.
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Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Im on the same boat as you and feel the same. I have just ugraded from a 1.2 Ibiza to a Leon Cupa, and also being young (21) Im paying £1100 a year for insurance. But it's worth it!!! So you have got yourself a good deal. My insurance company is local so it's more expensive than well known companies like Admiral ect, but I get such good service it's worth it.

It is a pain being this young with regards to insuracne companies! I suppose it makes people who have high insurance drive more carefully. Personally i dont plan on putting a car that took me a year to save for in a ditch.
It should make you appriciate it, but then again temptation to floor it will always be there and the insurance people know that!

I've never driven a LCR and to be honest i could probably count how many i've actually seen on two hands! I just know that whatever it costs me to buy insure and run, it will be worth it. :)


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Thanks mate,

Yeah, being more realstic it should be about xmas/new year time when i'll have the amount im looking for. :)


Like everyone has said its great to see someone else saving for their own car and not going down the route of borrowing money. Im glad your not falling into the trap of buying a Cupra and then wanting a Cupra R, like me. I bought a Cupra a few months ago but everytime I see a Cupra R as much as I love my cupra i still think crap, should of saved a little longer.

Im now saving for a Cupra R and should be there with the money around xmas time too!

My standard Cupra makes me smile ear to ear so im looking forward to what happens when i get to drive a Cupra R!


devilishd4ve xbox tag
Mar 29, 2007
:clap::clap:Well done on the saving mate. Trust me it'll be well worth the wait. Out of all the cars I've ever driven/owned this is by far the biggest grin maker:lol:


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Like everyone has said its great to see someone else saving for their own car and not going down the route of borrowing money. Im glad your not falling into the trap of buying a Cupra and then wanting a Cupra R, like me. I bought a Cupra a few months ago but everytime I see a Cupra R as much as I love my cupra i still think crap, should of saved a little longer.

Im now saving for a Cupra R and should be there with the money around xmas time too!

My standard Cupra makes me smile ear to ear so im looking forward to what happens when i get to drive a Cupra R!

I'm not sure if you read a post i wrote earlier in this thread, but i initially started saving for a Cupra, then i thought i'd want an R in no time after buying it, so i switched targets! ;)
Good experience to have both though.

:clap::clap:Well done on the saving mate. Trust me it'll be well worth the wait. Out of all the cars I've ever driven/owned this is by far the biggest grin maker:lol:

Thankyou buddy! :)
A lot of people have mentioned the grin.
I think i just done a cheeky one myself then! lol


I'm not sure if you read a post i wrote earlier in this thread, but i initially started saving for a Cupra, then i thought i'd want an R in no time after buying it, so i switched targets! ;)
Good experience to have both though.

Yup I read that, just saying it was good that you did decide not to get a cupra.

I agree it is good stepping stone for power, its giving me experience having a car with 180bhp which hopfully i can apply to a car with 225bhp.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
Lads, Lasses and Chaps!...

I just thought i would give this thread a little update as i haven't posted anything in a while. For anyone thats interested in this developing story i have going!

Basically, my saving has stalled a little bit, but its for a very good reason and the only thing it would have stopped for anyway. I have aquired myself a girlfriend! :D I know that a lot of you will be thinking... 'What?! Keep saving! Are you mad!?" but i've been single for far too long and i have wanted a lady in my life for some time, and i always said i'd rather a girl than a new motor. I remember when i went to a cousins wedding earlier in the year and me and him (the groom) were talking about girls, cars and money (of course!) and he said 'What would you rather...A girl or the car' without needing to consider it the girl takes priority hands down!

The car fund isn't totally out of the window, i still want an LCR but the saving has just taken a knock.
Don't get me wrong, i haven't touched the 'savings' they are in a seperate account which i would need to go to the bank to draw out.

On the whole though i'm feeling :D
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