Recirculating Dump Valve Question


Volkswagen racing tech-pt
Feb 19, 2008
Nobody seems to have answered the question of how can you tell the difference.

If you look at the dump valve there is a little pipe on the top which is just vacuum. there is usually to other ports on them, one on the bottom and one on the side. one of them will be into the pipe coming from your air filter (TIP), if the other is open or has a cone on it then it is venting to atmosphere, if there is a pipe on it then it is recirculating, if it actually has 3 ports one in the TIP, one with a cone and one with a pipe then you probably have a split valve whereby it recircs half and vents half.

the other option is to post a pic of it lol

if its atmospheric it will have vacume (little pipe to the top) and be mounted on the pressure side of the turbo (left side of the engine as you loot at it) it wont necessaraly have a cone etc, just a hole in the main body with a piston behind.

a recirc valve has a pipe shoved on one end and the other is mounted in the tip. there will also be a little vac pipe to the top of it from the 249 valve.

i'm running stage 2 software now and i've tried 5 different valves (standard, forge 007, bailey atmospheric, turbo dynamics vee port atmospheric and something the guys at revo hooked me up with) the forge 007 was the quietest opperating by far for my application but you will prob find the induction kit choice you have will make more of a difference to the dv noise than anything else.

i'm running a recirc now but its far louder than any valve i've valve i've used so far, but then thats possibly due to the ally pipe from the mass air to the filter in the bumper.
But i like to hear a flutter from under the bonnet :)

you'll find something to your taste out ther i'm sure but the 007 is a good option and should hold all the boost your running on a ko3

anyways, i've chuntered on long enough now! good luck with the project chap!


Volkswagen racing tech-pt
Feb 19, 2008
hmmm... what spec is your engine?? if its not been mapped then my guess is thats what your delay is. if it has been mapped then recirc valve or turbo inlet pipe -(it sucks its self flat killing your power) those combined with an induction kit/filter will 100% fix your promb plus make the most of your motor. promis you it'll your problems will be gone with that combo! best bang for bucks too IMO


Volkswagen racing tech-pt
Feb 19, 2008
most likely map in my experience, though valve wont hurt. have a look on fleabay, should be able to pick up a valve and induction kit or filter cheap enough. make sure its a recirc valve though and a named filter if poss. should be able to bag the pair for under £130 easy enough.

if that dount cure it speak to revo, they'll hook you up with a good map and another safe 40+ BHP easy enough :)


vroom vroom
Mar 18, 2009
Just outside Colchester
every time i change gear i have no power for about 1-2 seconds it is like i still have my foot on the clutch a little bit as the engine still revs. after 1-2 seconds the fury kicks in??!?!?
Mar 29, 2007
Hmm interesting one... I see you are located in Essex - perhaps you can take your car to AmD who are nearby (a VAG specialist) who could hook it up to VAGCOM for you to check for any error codes etc.

I wouldn't just throw money at it like Vee is suggesting as it might not correct the issue - I had zero problems before my car was remapped or any other mods were done and I would only get a remap on an engine that is 100% working as expected.


vroom vroom
Mar 18, 2009
Just outside Colchester
i agree, with that. are AMD likely to charge for this service?

if so how much. if i phoned them do you think they could shed some light on the in they may of had it before.

Mar 29, 2007
Would be worth asking if they charge for a diagnostic checkup, but it would probably be half hours labour at the most I'd say. The VAGCOM software will let you know if there are any error codes showing up - it's a good starting point at least...

Other option is to find someone nearby who had VAGCOM - maybe D.K. would know as I think he's an Essex boy.


Volkswagen racing tech-pt
Feb 19, 2008
search the forum... tonnes of peeps had this issue, i had it on both my 1.8t's too. on hard acceleration on change up if i'm not mistaken.


vroom vroom
Mar 18, 2009
Just outside Colchester
i have it even on slow change either way....even when pulling away. i have just phoned AMD and they have advised that it is very likely to be the DV or a split in one of the hoses under the manifold. i will check these first and then probably go for the new DV.

cheers all for your help.

many thanks
Dec 6, 2008
I'd agree with lordgibbness, randomly changing parts to fix a fault is not good, remapping it to try and mask the fault is also not good.
Stands a good chance its the DV but this can be tested before replacement anyway, its better to be away from the standard DV anyway and running something a bit more reliable, so its no big loss if you do fit one. A better TIP and air filter are also useful mods but its best to aim for the cause of your fault first.
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