Seat media system 5.8 update


Active Member
Feb 10, 2016
Near Heathrow
Bit of a thread resurrection here,
I just picked up my 2013 Leon last night and am looking to get a few things up to date.
After having checked the sys info on the media system (mib1) I have:
Hardware: 039
Software: 0171

So with a view to updating the software i visited the following page

And i see that there are some update listed at the bottom of the page:

Media System Software Download:

- Software D250

- Software D260

- Software D350

- Software D350 (Alhambra)

But it doesn't say if they are for mib1 or mib2 units? can i just install the D350 update? or does anyine have a later update that isnt on the website they might be willing to share with me?
Thanks, Andy

I think those updates are for Bluetooth only.
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