Where to go to get cruise control fitted?


Active Member
Mar 31, 2008
Cornwall and Cheltenham
I am wanting to get cruise control fitted in my 04 FR 20VT, I do not want to fit it myself as setting off the airbag would be very bad!

I have found these guys doing it for £200 if I nip down to Newquay:

I travel between Cornwall and Cheltenham, so anywhere in between or near would be spot on. (Brum is ok too).

Does anyone know anywhere else that will do it for the same or less cost?
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Proud Seat Owner
Jun 29, 2008
Caldicot, South Wales
Hey fella, I'm searching out the same thing. I was told £200 was a total rip off even for a OEM setup. I'm currently looking it up on newportedition (local vw club for me) If I find out where to get it done cheap I'll hook a brother up!

One fella said he bought the parts from TPS and had it Fitted for £60. So I'll keep you posted
Mar 16, 2008
Wiltshire / Bristol
its a fairly simple job if your OK with soldering and wires. The parts come to about £85 from memory - so well worth giving it a go. Im sure we could talk you through it if there were any bits you got stuck on.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2008
I'm about to fit cruise control myself, got the bits, tools and a guide. Its for the Fabia though, electronics look the same its just the trim removal that looks a lot different. I'll give it a crack anyway!

andi leon frtdi

Active Member
Mar 8, 2009
its a fairly simple job if your OK with soldering and wires. The parts come to about £85 from memory - so well worth giving it a go. Im sure we could talk you through it if there were any bits you got stuck on.

i never had to solder anything, when i did mine but i have a leon tdi so that might be why. i also didn't need vag com coz mine was already active but if you need vag com then ask m0rk on here and he may be able to helpand the lead from ebay. i got my stalk from here
http://www.timsvwparts.co.uk/ and it was about £55 for the kit. i only got it here as it's not far from me.


Active Member
Mar 31, 2008
Cornwall and Cheltenham
cheers for the info chaps, however I would really like to pay someone who knows what they are doing, I could get my farther to help who can solder very well, but it's the time that's the issue.
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