Windscreen replacement - not Seat part


Just had a windscreen replaced on Leon FR. There is now a gap between the front of the dashboard and the windscreen. gap is so wide you can put your hand down it. I am sure the windscreen was pretty tight to the dash before.
If you are washing the windscreen you can see the inside insulating material in the dahsboard, but you can't see it when driving or looking at the car from a distance.
The replacement glass was not a VAG part. I wondered if anyone had experienced similar?


Took it to Seat dealer and asked what they thought. He said that the glass is usually so close to the dashboard that you wouldn't be able to get a hand down the gap and hence, you wouldn't see the innards of the dashboard. Otherwise, the glass seems fitted ok but maybe a different curve hence the gap issue.

Really annoyed that repair garage (insurers choice of garage, not Seat) said they'd done a 'quality' check and thought it was ok. Also they cracked the cover on my rain/light sensor and stuck it back together with I wouldn't notice.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2009
get on to your insurance company and tell them that you are unhappy and that they broke the cover aswell. ask them if you can take it to another company for there thoughts on the job.


Will phone insurer. At very least I guess they could with-hold payment until repair is sorted. Just annoying though.

I will be over here being glum about my poor car if anyone is looking :(
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