Wheel alignment or Tracking?

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Had my coilovers fitted a couple of weeks now so there nicely settled in, getting my wheels and tyres on this week so want to make sure everythings as straight as it can be.

Question is.....Is it worth having a 4 wheel alignment done as I read that things are not adjustable on the normal LC?

Would I be better off just getting the tracking done?

I don't mind paying for a wheel alignment if things can be adjusted but if its only the tracking that can be adjusted I might as well just save myself some money and have just the tracking done?


Big Daddy...
Mar 22, 2008
Cambs & Herts
As said 4 wheel allignment all the way. I've learnt the hard way recently thinking exactly what you have and just found over the weekend that the inside edge of my tyres are mullered and all due to just getting tracking done and not 4 wheel allignment like I should have.......:doh: :D
Dec 6, 2008
As others have said 4 wheel would be better as the wheels are then set in relation to each other, also it should highlight if there is something else out of place, quite often suspension arms etc can be bent but not visible to the eye, they may not be adjustable but could be out.

That said after I replaced my front top mounts and a few suspension bushes a few weeks back my steering wheel was quite off centre despite me not disconnecting anything that would affect the steering. I took it to Kwik Fit and got the tracking done lol. In my defence it was 2pm on a saturday and everywhere else was closed and it would annoy me.

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Cheers for the replys :)

I was under the impression that nothing on the back was adjustable and the camber on the front was not adjustable either on the normal LC but I think I must be wrong?

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
What actually can be adjusted that can't be adjusted from just doing the tracking?

I don't mind paying for a full alignment if extra things CAN be adjusted I just want confirmation that there will be more adjustments made before I spend twice as much :)

Sorry to be a pain, if someone can just confirm what they are able to adjust it would be great :D
Dec 6, 2008
That Pro-align site shows it quite simplistic and clearly.
For cars with adjustable rear suspension then 4 wheel alignment is essential, without rear adjustment its still advisable, like I said it should make sure everything is well even the stuff that can't be adjusted.


status subject to change
4 wheel alignment and tracking is basically the same.

the difference being that if you get 4 wheel alignment done, then the front wheels will be tracked to be aligned with the rear wheels, (which usually means adjusting both sides at the front to get the tracking correct, wereas they may be able to get the tracking correct at the front by only adjusting one side as they do not need to make sure they aligned with the rears).

You should also find that when they do 4 wheel alignment your steering wheel is straight!
Dec 6, 2008
4 wheel alignment and tracking is basically the same.

the difference being that if you get 4 wheel alignment done, then the front wheels will be tracked to be aligned with the rear wheels, (which usually means adjusting both sides at the front to get the tracking correct, wereas they may be able to get the tracking correct at the front by only adjusting one side as they do not need to make sure they aligned with the rears).

You should also find that when they do 4 wheel alignment your steering wheel is straight!

Tracking makes your front wheels point in the right direction when the wheel is straight.

Wheel alignment makes sure your wheels are in the correct position in relation to the rest of the wheels and the chassis.

Tracking won't measure rear toe, front or rear camber or caster and wont give any indication of the relation between the front and rear wheels.

An illustration of this is I had a vehicle which the steering wheel was quite off centre to drive straight, put it on the wheel alignment equipment and the front toe angles read a mile out, tracking would adjust these and the steering would be straight.
The fault was the toe angle on one of the rear wheels was a mile out for whatever reason causing the front to appear out. Adjusting the rear correctly made the front read perfect without any front adjustment.

You may not be able to adjust the rear suspension but you can check that the reference point is correct. Tracking would have adjusted the front toe angles so the car drove correctly masking the fault at the rear until the tyres were knackered.
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New to the MK2...
Jun 22, 2009
I'm just about to get mine doen, I've had the gearbox taken out and since it got delivered back the steering wheel is quite out, 4 wheel allignment is the way to go!


I'm not like you guys...
we use similar equipment to pro-align.

as said. we adjust the track rod ends at the front, but make sure they are aligned properly at the rear also. Some cars have adjusters at the back to move the wheels toe in or out, but Leon's dont have any real, rear adjusters. I have been told you can undo a bolt in the swing arm, i think its that anyway, and then basicly tw@ it either in or out, but its a pain in the bum, and not particularly accurate. Its more for adjustment after some kind of knock at the rear.

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Having 4 wheel alignment done next week, chap knew there are not many adjustments but said the same as you lot about lining all the wheels up together.

Only £27.50 to :D
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