Emocion Red Cupra.... Now with Camo Bonnet!


Resident Engineer
Apr 18, 2007
Well after a weekend of boredom i've done some more modding.....

People have questioned my sanity at the work about it, but hey....

Camo Bonnet!


Its actually the Urban Camo pattern from Call Of Duty MW2!

Few more pics i took the day while it was nice....









Not to everyones taste but i Luuuuuurve it!

Think ill do my roof black next. :rofl:


Teaching the kids
Jan 20, 2008
Mmmmm. I like camo, but.... not sure about this one. Looks like it needs more black, white and grey bits to me. Props for doing it anyway. My mates think my sticker fetish is dumb so good on you! Sort that splitter out though.


Resident Engineer
Apr 18, 2007
Mmmmm. I like camo, but.... not sure about this one. Looks like it needs more black, white and grey bits to me. Props for doing it anyway. My mates think my sticker fetish is dumb so good on you! Sort that splitter out though.

I ran out of vinyl after 4 hours of cutting etc, there more coming next week. Might add some streaky bits in too.

The splitter suffered some damage after a cobbly road in Stirling!

Plus it'll snow soon and it'll get ripped off anyway!


Active Member
Would look better if they were bigger. I want to do something like that on my bonnet as it is stone chipped so badly, don't wanna cover the entire bonnet in a solid colour as too much seen a few people do interesting shapes on theres and it works.

Stickers, yes alot of people hate my stickers, say I've ruined the car but I got bored of the clean look the car just blended into the background. Plus you can always take vinyl/stickers off so its all good.


Resident Engineer
Apr 18, 2007
Would look better if they were bigger. I want to do something like that on my bonnet as it is stone chipped so badly, don't wanna cover the entire bonnet in a solid colour as too much seen a few people do interesting shapes on theres and it works.

Stickers, yes alot of people hate my stickers, say I've ruined the car but I got bored of the clean look the car just blended into the background. Plus you can always take vinyl/stickers off so its all good.

This is what i thought, the bonnet was already pretty shot blasted by the time i got it, put the bra on to prevent some damage, but now you can see the outline of the bra with chips further up!

A few stategically placed camo bits help!


Active Member
Did you see how Adam Kelly's paint was ruined by a bonnet bra too, there are not meant to be on all the time for this reason but unless they are it gonna get stone chipped so your stuffed really, my car is the worst black bonnet I have seen the pain on the front end of the car seems to have been very poor from the factory on the original bumper it went all funny almost looked like the primer was showing through. Both wings have been replaced due to rust! I will do something vinyly to it in the spring if I see what I want.

Oh yeh I would have gone with red urban camo colours on yours to, I was thinking grey urban camo for my headlining lol!
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Resident Engineer
Apr 18, 2007
Well on friday i had a puncture, tyre nearly right off the rim, nightmare!

As i was working and it was -4 outside i couldn't be arsed to put the spare on, and just walked to the work.


Phoned up these guys - Tyres Direct Stirling

Booked up, guy came round in a fully equipped van at half 9, air compressor, impact guns, inflation and balancing gear, the works. Jacked the car up on airbags, both wheels off and new tyres on in under 15 minutes! :funk:

Truly great service, and for £30 to your door, and tyres from blackcircles it still worked out about 80 quid cheaper than gettin them fitted at a garage.

Anyways, thought i'd tell you guys if anyones local!
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