Official SEAT Leon V2 pics & report now online


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May 16, 2002
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I like the new Leon a lot. It looks great!! I also like the Altea quite a bit. Not mad about the middle part of the rear seat though and the lump sticking up in the middle of the back seat near one's shins. Pity because the Altea is good. Maybe someone can finally make me change my mind about the back seating of the Altea. Unfortunately I can't get used to the new Toledo. I adore the looks of my 1999 TDiSE Toledo. It is incredibly reliable. I was very pleased with my local main dealer in Exeter. Now since moving to Dublin, I have found a lovely Seat dealer. I am a big fan of Seat. My Toledo has now done 108,000 miles. It is a fantastic car. Just this morning I was out on a very icy motorway near Dublin. The trucks were skidding sideways trying to go down a slight slope. The skid control worked perfectly.

big ALI H

Jun 27, 2003
Cas-Vegas, West Yorkshire
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BigGee said:
Sorry don't know where you are coming from.

Current line up is FR (old CUPRA) and CUPRA R.

As I was saying and wonder what the CUPRA R version of the new seat is going to look like. mentioned, the "R" is being dropped. For example there is no Ibiza Cupra R anymore, its not simply a cupra.

Old Cupra will now be known as FR
Old Cupra R will be known as and replaced with Cupra


Full Member
Jan 24, 2005
Thanks guys.

Todays lesson will be - 'you must read replys properly before replying
you must read replys properly before replying
you must read replys properly before replying........ :whistle:



I'm so dark I fart bats
Feb 8, 2004
Reading, Berkshire
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I think it looks awful. I hate the newer blocky designs like the Megane anyway.

The front curves make it look evil. The wing mirrors add to the wasp-ish evil insect look.

I hate the Altea and it hasn't grown on me, and I don't think most people would be able to tell the Altea and the new Leon apart. It sucks.

I wouldn't buy SEAT again if the whole range goes in this direction. :(


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
most new cars will have 'similar' shapes to them to conform to pedestrian safety ruling

it's a shame that rules dictated by stupidity have to come about, but there's only so muc you can do with a given shape

mr. Hedgehog

Has gone to the Darkside
Nov 1, 2004
Not sure at all about the styling, bit disappointed actually. Maybe it'll grow on me. I thought the Cupra R and the New Ibiza were wicked, but this is a big departure from the origional. The shape is not massively disimilar to all its rivals now - i.e. 307 and golf Needs to be lower, sharper edged and more aggressive looking (assuming that the pics posted here are ment to be spicy models). Can see the Alfa similarities commented on above - but that isn't really a good thing is it? Not sure i like change anymore...

Diamond Dave

DAMN! He's Funky!
Mar 31, 2003
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I was looking at the new Astra as a possible replacement for the R, but this has suprised me, I like it. Looking at the size of the models against the car, I would say that in reality, its probably not at all Altea like in it's height, plus reading the dimentsions posted up here, it's smaller than the current Leon R, and this has an extra inch with it's 19's!

So far so good. If the road going one looks just like this, SEAT may have a hit and personally, I may look at it as a possiblity, but I'd only go for the top spec, preferably a Cupra version.

And on a side note, jesus, this thread is Molten HOT!!


I'm so dark I fart bats
Feb 8, 2004
Reading, Berkshire
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m0rk said:
most new cars will have 'similar' shapes to them to conform to pedestrian safety ruling

it's a shame that rules dictated by stupidity have to come about, but there's only so muc you can do with a given shape

I'm sorry to be so dim, but what are these pedestrian safety rulings?

How can the government bring in 'pedestrian safety' crappy car shapes - whilst for example - not banning bull bars on 4x4s?

Or am I missing the point entirely here?! :confused:


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
keebo_sioux said:
I'm sorry to be so dim, but what are these pedestrian safety rulings?

How can the government bring in 'pedestrian safety' crappy car shapes - whilst for example - not banning bull bars on 4x4s?

Or am I missing the point entirely here?! :confused:

Its not the government to blame per say, its European regulation, and the fact more and more people are buying cars based on safety and praticality. We have to remember we're a little niche bracket of the overall car buying public.

Wider picture and all that.

But its fact that more and more of Joe Public are looking at NCAP ratings, and Europe are on a crusade to make the car a much safer item for the people who choose to walk or cycle to work, to be around.

mr. Hedgehog

Has gone to the Darkside
Nov 1, 2004
come to think i can see the megane and the astra likeness a little - its too smooth for me - i like the lines of the orig. cupra r, and new ibiza cupra r - curvey doesn't suite the aggressive front on this one. the exhaust looks rubbish too. the more i look the more i find my heart sinking. the civic type r and cupra r were going in the right direction. i feel let down :(

i'll be looking at an S3 next then.....


Santa in disguise :)
Feb 10, 2005
Near Reevo :)
You know,

If it turned up in the dealers tomorrow, as it is exactly in the photos, at around £17,000 then I'd be buying one tomorrow.

As it is however - I have to order an new motor by May, ideally a diesel, and my No.1 choice at the top of the list is the Leon FR TDI.

If seat release an FR / Cupra in the new Leon (or at least give expected dates), then I could possibly delay the order for 6 months until it is released.

At the moment though I'm stuck in no-mans land .. Old one about to go, new one not in .. and a need to order another motor asap.

Might have to go and have another test drive of the Alfa 147 JTD.


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
If the aim is for a 4th Quarter of 2005 launch, and thats what seems to be the case, then production details could be as soon as May, at SEAT's home motorshow. Barcelona 5th May is the first press day.

big ALI H

Jun 27, 2003
Cas-Vegas, West Yorkshire
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ZBOYD said:
If the aim is for a 4th Quarter of 2005 launch, and thats what seems to be the case, then production details could be as soon as May, at SEAT's home motorshow. Barcelona 5th May is the first press day.

Does that mean to say that we'll see what a production ready (ie non concept) version will look like?
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