SEAT win Manufacturers Championship BTCC 2006


Full Member
Sep 23, 2004
Had a great time (despite the cold!). Thanks for organising mOrk.

Good to meet a few more of you and put some faces to names.

And thanks for the sticker Empi - still deciding where to put it!

We were among the last group to leave our parking area. Took about half an hour to get moving. Had some food in Kettering, then back home to Bristol.

Finally got in at 10:30pm, unpacked the car and packed my bag for the week in London. The wife fell over in the dark whilst putting the dustbin out, so by the time I'd cleaned up her scuffed knees and applied soothing creams, I was in bed by midnight - up again at 6am for the train to London.


Big shout out to Leeson for providing the best comedy moment in race 3. Lost a rear wheel at Luffield on his way to the grid, only for his front suspension to give up about 200yds later! (right in front of the grandstand we were in - massive cheers all round, even the marshall got a cheer when he found the stray wheel!!)
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Barmy Army sleeper cell
Thanks to y'all that came out I had a great day if eventful to start!

Looks like some of you were spotted (tim?)


So we might have had a few flags out. Sorry to anyone whose view was impeded but it did keep our patch of grandstand fairly exclusive. ;)

Keith had great fun being the General for the day, we looked like a small medieval army arriving at championship podium at the end :flag:

Thanks to all the usual suspects for a grand day out, and especially to Z for the Manufacturers Championship stickers. They look fab on the sun visor.

Special thanks to Bunter for the shortcut through Middleton Stoney. It certainly saved time in queues on the M40. Only took about 30 mins to get out of the car park which wasn't too bad.

Already looking forward to next season I think it's going to be bigger and better and all round. Here's hoping. See you all then :wave:


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Well done to SEAT for ending the VXR dominance. :D Will we now see new roadcars with "SEAT - BTCC Champions" stickers in the rear window like in the F2 rally days? :)

Some of us left the circuit with BTCC Champions stickers ;) :)

Its been a great season though, some great racing from all the teams and drivers.

Good to hear Mike Jordan is on the mend too.

Pile of pics here i took yesterday.


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Mine's turned into a turkey twissler:blink:

Yer as they were kind of free, and done at the last minute, i had to use what i could get my hands on, which was thin polyethyline, it tend to curl when its warm, stick it to something though and it will stay flat. ;)

We don't do these kind of stickers, we do point of sale, product labeling to industry, so think food labels, oil and car polishes, diy products, sealants, paints etc. Anything that has a fancy label in fact upto 8 printed colours.

As an example, those labels took one of our machines, less than 10 mins to do, and that includes the printer loading the material, ink, registering the plates and handing me the finished rolls.

1000metres a minute a full tilt. ;)
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Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Nice flattering one of VBH in there!

The last one came as a bit of a shock too...

Yer she just got out of the porsche, it would of been flattering if she hadn't shoved the water bottle in her mouth :p But can imagine she was off for a quick shower and change of clothes before she appeared on ITV.


Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
Well i wonder how many can say that they have had breakfast with VBH ! she stayed at the Hilton, and came down when i was trying to negotiate a fried breakfast. Surprisingly enough, she wasnt in the bar at 3.30am, unlike us :rolleyes:


Back to Blue with a Turbo
Feb 27, 2005
North Wales
Well thanks for organising m0rk. Had a really good convoy from m6, thanks wrc.........
Nice meet a few other from the forums at last. Good parking spot... and most of all very enjoyable racing. My first BTCC round and a i want more.......
oh well role on nxt year.

Took half an hr to get out of the car park at the end which wasn't to bad. Apart from that a good drive home. Got back @ 22:45 after stopping for 20mins. Knackered now tho....

Anyway thanks again. Hope to meet some more of you nxt time.


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003

...I recognise that the big ugly brute in the background of the VBH picture...

Oh, and I got all excited when I saw the "2007 Leon Cupra" statistics doofer (300ps) then I realised what car it was for :doh:
Jul 17, 2004
West Lothian
Heard that new LC racecar for the first time. Now that's what a proper racecar should sound like. :D The SCC cars of the past 4 seasons just don't sound like they should.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2005
Had a fantastic day and great to see everyone again!

Many thanks goto the organisers, and Andy the northern lot convoy leader! Had a great convoy home, nice and steady, very enjoyable!

See you all at the next one, that was the first of many for me.


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Heard that new LC racecar for the first time. Now that's what a proper racecar should sound like. :D The SCC cars of the past 4 seasons just don't sound like they should.

Thats the 1.8T engine for you it doesn't have much character. Seems the 2.0TFSI engine does have a nice gravelly voice. Sounded great didnt it. :)


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
I think it has very few silencers under it's flat floor

hopefully a nice grid of them next year with the 'classic' :lol: Super Copa's behind them as mobile chicanes.

Still - I think the public interest has got BTCC in it's sights again, even if they don't understand any of the politics, characters or even cars.....

I must have had about 20 people say to me at work "how those cars like mine 'won' the championship" - I must admit I'm chuffed people can even compare my beat up vario to a £200k S2000 car.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2003
Nr Oxford
Special thanks to Bunter for the shortcut through Middleton Stoney. It certainly saved time in queues on the M40.
No problem. Although I now have my Certificate in Advanced Muppetry for my driving. Forgot what I was driving and came to a complete full stop prior to getting on the A34. Traffic was very busy and forgot I had the acceleration to nip into a gap. Well - it had been a long day..... More apologies to those behind me also waiting to get on the A34. Oh well.

Thanks again to all those involved in making the day so enjoyable. Still missed meeting m0rk. There's always next year!
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