SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


Full Member
Mar 28, 2004

knew i saw it somewhere
well i jumped from 0245 to 0516 on a spare mib2 i have old 2015 5qa035858.The python patch and accept any metainfo is all you need from the tool box. Unit is now 5qa035858c.

Not tried it in the car yet but works well on the bench.
Last edited:
Apr 17, 2024
Hello everyone i am bit late member here. I would like to get help from experienced users who can guide me. I have Seat Leon Cupra 2016 MK3 265 APR STAGE 1. I have a firmware version MST2_EU_S_ZR_P0346T. I do not have activated my full link neither the latest map updates. My region is Mexico. I live there and here there is no really helpful experienced users.

My question 1 is :
I want to update my firmware/software version to latest one ( i' ve done this before for the version i have now ) In mibsolution.one i found updated versions for my infotainment system but i am not sure which one is latest. One friend who has little knowledge of updates told me that latest version is 0369 but in the site i saw other like ending 0479 or 480 and 0516 so i am kinda confused. I downloaded the version P0369. Update numbers depends on my VIN number or i can download and update other versions without any problem ?

My question 2 is : I also want to update my Navigation System. I found as well as them but i do not know how to do it. I have the original SD card from Seat and downloaded maps. My current navigation version is H28.28.51_STD2Nav_EU and maps 6P0919866C

My question 3 is : I want to give a try also a MIB STD2 Toolbox what you guys think ? What i can do with the toolbox. I know some stuff like removing the lock from sd.

Thanks in advance if someone can guide me and help me please. Have a great day everyone.


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Dealing with 2 first we have the resource:

And the discussion thread with the latest map releases in it which I index in the resource:

You have a mib2 standard, the tell tail is the 6p on the card and screen. You can update the maps for free but you must use the "workaround". Don't just delete what is on the card. Copy out. You need the overall.nds file of the workaround process. Avoids buying mapcare which isn't available in the UK. The unit thinks you haven't changed the map but you have.

Latest maps:

You are on ROW1 of that above. Mexico. You follow the steps 1-12 of the resource. As said don't loose your original copy of the overall.nds file. You need that for those steps. Also don't format the card. Formatting can corrupt these cards through the misbehavior of Windows 10/11. Just do a delete and wait... after you have taken a copy !.

On 3. You don't need to remove the lock if reusing the navigation card. On the tool box there has been more recent experience if you browse up. So just for navigation the workaround is sufficient rather than hacking the firmware.

On 1. You are advised to keep within the train. 3 is the one you are on. The upper number will be the latest. I can't check the mibsolution.one Web site it's down at the minute / busy. Basically Vag issued about 4 trains in its 5 years of release life. 3* is your train 4* or 5* isn't.
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Feb 28, 2024
Hello everyone i am bit late member here. I would like to get help from experienced users who can guide me. I have Seat Leon Cupra 2016 MK3 265 APR STAGE 1. I have a firmware version MST2_EU_S_ZR_P0346T. I do not have activated my full link neither the latest map updates. My region is Mexico. I live there and here there is no really helpful experienced users.

My question 1 is : I want to update my firmware/software version to latest one ( i' ve done this before for the version i have now ) In mibsolution.one i found updated versions for my infotainment system but i am not sure which one is latest. One friend who has little knowledge of updates told me that latest version is 0369 but in the site i saw other like ending 0479 or 480 and 0516 so i am kinda confused. I downloaded the version P0369. Update numbers depends on my VIN number or i can download and update other versions without any problem ?

My question 2 is : I also want to update my Navigation System. I found as well as them but i do not know how to do it. I have the original SD card from Seat and downloaded maps. My current navigation version is H28.28.51_STD2Nav_EU and maps 6P0919866C

My question 3 is : I want to give a try also a MIB STD2 Toolbox what you guys think ? What i can do with the toolbox. I know some stuff like removing the lock from sd.

Thanks in advance if someone can guide me and help me please. Have a great day everyone.

Answer to 1: P0369T is the best firmware to update P0346T because it is for the same family of hardware and the latest available (do not install any other firmware update!)

Answer to 2: download the latest Mibstd2 maps for your region (ROW1)
https://www.seatcupra.net/forums/th...tnav-mib2-tricks-and-mib1.388586/post-5053923. Backup your existing card on a PC and copy the new latest navigation files to the new card. You could try the card, but it almost certainly won't work unless your unit is already patched.

Answer3: With the MIB STD2 Toolbox you could do the following:

(after firmware updated):
1) Buy/Borrow a cheap WiFi ELM327 ODB scanner
2) Buy Android app Car Scanner Pro
3) Enable the Green Engineering Menu(GEM) using Car Scanner Pro app connected to the ODB scanner (the GEM is also known as Multimedia developer mode in the app in 'coding & service' category)
4) Once you have GEM, Install MIB STD2 Toolbox via Green Engineering Menu following the install instructions on GitHub (or search Mr Fix on YT) using an SDCard
5) In the GEM Toolbox menu on the multimedia unit go to the 'tools' menu and select the metainfo2 patch and select that - this should allow your SatNav to work with the new maps copied to your SDcard (backup the old maps first in case of a problem).

Try all this at your own risk etc. etc. Good luck!
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Answer to 1: P0369T is the best firmware to update P0346T because it is for the same family of hardware and the latest available (do not install any other firmware update!)

Answer to 2: download the latest Mibstd2 maps for your region (ROW1)
https://www.seatcupra.net/forums/th...tnav-mib2-tricks-and-mib1.388586/post-5053923. Backup your existing card on a PC and copy the new latest navigation files to the new card. You could try the card, but it almost certainly won't work unless your unit is already patched.

Answer3: With the MIB STD2 Toolbox you could do the following:

(after firmware updated):
1) Buy/Borrow a cheap WiFi ELM327 ODB scanner
2) Buy Android app Car Scanner Pro
3) Enable the Green Engineering Menu(GEM) using Car Scanner Pro app connected to the ODB scanner (the GEM is also known as Multimedia developer mode in the app in 'coding & service' category)
4) Once you have GEM, Install MIB STD2 Toolbox via Green Engineering Menu following the install instructions on GitHub (or search Mr Fix on YT) using an SDCard
5) In the GEM Toolbox menu on the multimedia unit go to the 'tools' menu and select the metainfo2 patch and select that - this should allow your SatNav to work with the new maps copied to your SDcard (backup the old maps first in case of a problem).

Try all this at your own risk etc. etc. Good luck!
But you don't need to do 3 if you just want to update the maps. Seems a bit long winded for that.

Is the green menu not enabled by the toolbox. It creaps in and enables the green menu, but perhaps not. The mib2 high one enabled the green menu as I recall although I'd already enabled the developers menu myself with obdeleven.
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2024
But you don't need to do 3 if you just want to update the maps. Seems a bit long winded for that.

Is the green menu not enabled by the toolbox. It creaps in and enables the green menu, but perhaps not. The mib2 high one enabled the green menu as I recall although I'd already enabled the developers menu myself with obdeleven.
No, with mibstd2 the green menu needs to be enabled by obdeleven or Car Scanner Pro (much cheaper than obdeleven). Then you can install mibstd2 Toolbox via SDcard.

The method given is a bit long winded but it means the unit is completely unlocked for maps (just copy the map files onto an SD card and that's it). There is an even easier way to do the unlocking via a patch on an SDcard without using the GEM but the poster asked what you can do with Toolbox so I gave an example!
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No, with mibstd2 the green menu needs to be enabled by obdeleven or Car Scanner Pro (much cheaper than obdeleven). Then you can install mibstd2 Toolbox via SDcard.

The method given is a bit long winded but it means the unit is completely unlocked for maps (just copy the map files onto an SD card and that's it). There is an even easier way to do the unlocking via a patch on an SDcard without using the GEM but the poster asked what you can do with Toolbox so I gave an example!
Well Exciter / Stefano who created the workaround copied by all Seat boards but of this parish did allude to creating a clone of the card which he'd done as an alternative to the overall.nds shuffle. I recreated that for the hell of it.

Given these CID rewritable cards aren't cheap and you need the SD writer on the motherboard and Linux is not for the faint hearted. For you average person just use the existing Vag SD map card or if it breaks buy a new one.

The tool kit comes in if you want to do other things above updating maps. For just maps use the Exciter method aka the workaround, far less trouble. It does drop an error in the unit which you can ignore. The tool box can be used to remove that error which is otherwise pesky to remove. Whether Exciter knew that at the time, not sure but it became apparent later. The unit generates an updated FeC and gets more than one navigation FeC in it. That's the story and that error which isn't an SVM.
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2024
Well Exciter / Stefano who created the workaround copied by all Seat boards but of this parish did allude to creating a clone of the card which he'd done as an alternative to the overall.nds shuffle. I recreated that for the hell of it.

Given these CID rewritable cards aren't cheap and you need the SD writer on the motherboard and Linux is not for the faint hearted. For you average person just use the existing Vag SD map card or if it breaks buy a new one.

The tool kit comes in if you want to do other things above updating maps. For just maps use the Exciter method aka the workaround, far less trouble. It does drop an error in the unit which you can ignore. The tool box can be used to remove that error which is otherwise pesky to remove. Whether Exciter knew that at the time, not sure but it became apparent later. The unit generates an updated FeC and gets more than one navigation FeC in it. That's the story and that error which isn't an SVM.
When I upgraded my unit from MIB1 to MIB2 recently I had to remove CP and enable android-auto as well. The SDcard patch method does this and enables any SDcard maps (I just then had to simply overwrite the contents of the existing 2016 seat SDcard) without the workaround you mention: this SDcard patch method is really easy and takes a few minutes max (assuming you have the correct patch file and the correct firmware! In my case 369T like the poster asking the question).

I agree, this patch method is simpler than going through the GEM and using Toolbox and so is the method you gave too, but the poster was asking about Toolbox and maps hence my answer.
Toolbox also has a patch to remove CP too.
Apr 17, 2024
I really appreciate to @MartinThorn and @Tell to their knowledge and so fast for response. Woowww. I found my family here for my Cupra. Thanksa lot guys. Really appreciate it.

As i want ot upgrade my firmware first face with some error and i do not know what it is. When i update my firmware before i did not know or have some knowledge of MIB2 to or modifications. I made my first firmware update with some Turkish guy from website before with email [email protected]. So what he wrote to me when i want to do this in 2018

Dear Customer,

You receive this email because you ordered SEAT EASYCONNECT MEDIA SYSTEM FIRMWARE UPDATE - MIB1 / MIB2 on our website. This is delivery email of your order.

Your system will be updated to SW 0346 after these updates. Please install 0330 first, then 0346.

Download links for the update:

SW_0330: http://www.seatupdate.com/seat/mib2_fw/VSSFP65F7GR072274/SE_0330.rar

SW_0346: http://www.seatupdate.com/seat/mib2_fw/VSSFP65F7GR072274/SE_0346.rar

Please note links are valid for 48 hours.

To access download, username and password is: VSSFP65F7GR072274

Password of archive file is: VSSZZZ5F

To perform update;

Plase download files and extract them to a Class 10 Fat32 Formatted SD card's root directory. (Not in a folder etc.) Put SD card into your multimedia system. Press and hold menu button. Click Software Update button and start update.

Be careful:

Do no turn off ignition or turn off multimedia system,

Do not run engine during installation

Responsibility belongs to person who performs update.


If you get any error message or problem please feel free to contact us
Now when i want to update to P0369 with my SDCard i'am getting this error below. I did not find the workaround.

WhatsApp Görsel 2024-04-19 saat 17.47.11_843200d5.jpg

When i check my update logs from Menu. I got these results which maybe i did it wrong for my hardware or i do know really. My initial software number was P0245T so as you guys seeing int the email he did tell me to update to first R330T then P0346T. I did know this before or had i dead i was really rookie maybe it was my mistake but i want to do things good and correct. I also have ODB Eleven as well if it helps. Here i attached the other screenshot from my Update Log.
WhatsApp Görsel 2024-04-19 saat 17.47.11_af1773a7.jpg

So i do not know what to do downgrade ( is it possible ? ) or correct the problem with the recent firmware. I saw in mibsolutionsone web site there is a new firware for P02... series but since i am getting this error i did not want to brick my system. I am much appreciated for any help guys. Thanks in advance for comments and help.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2024
I really appreciate to @MartinThorn and @Tell to their knowledge and so fast for response. Woowww. I found my family here for my Cupra. Thanksa lot guys. Really appreciate it.

As i want ot upgrade my firmware first face with some error and i do not know what it is. When i update my firmware before i did not know or have some knowledge of MIB2 to or modifications. I made my first firmware update with some Turkish guy from website before with email [email protected]. So what he wrote to me when i want to do this in 2018


Now when i want to update to P0369 with my SDCard i'am getting this error below. I did not find the workaround.

View attachment 42015

When i check my update logs from Menu. I got these results which maybe i did it wrong for my hardware or i do know really. My initial software number was P0245T so as you guys seeing int the email he did tell me to update to first R330T then P0346T. I did know this before or had i dead i was really rookie maybe it was my mistake but i want to do things good and correct. I also have ODB Eleven as well if it helps. Here i attached the other screenshot from my Update Log.
View attachment 42016

So i do not know what to do downgrade ( is it possible ? ) or correct the problem with the recent firmware. I saw in mibsolutionsone web site there is a new firware for P02... series but since i am getting this error i did not want to brick my system. I am much appreciated for any help guys. Thanks in advance for comments and help.

As you've already jumped software 'trains' with modified firmware (P0253T is the official latest firmware for your unit I think) I'm not sure I can help with your update problems with P0369T unfortunately. Tell's map file method might still work for you though!


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I really appreciate to @MartinThorn and @Tell to their knowledge and so fast for response. Woowww. I found my family here for my Cupra. Thanksa lot guys. Really appreciate it.

As i want ot upgrade my firmware first face with some error and i do not know what it is. When i update my firmware before i did not know or have some knowledge of MIB2 to or modifications. I made my first firmware update with some Turkish guy from website before with email [email protected]. So what he wrote to me when i want to do this in 2018


Now when i want to update to P0369 with my SDCard i'am getting this error below. I did not find the workaround.

View attachment 42015

When i check my update logs from Menu. I got these results which maybe i did it wrong for my hardware or i do know really. My initial software number was P0245T so as you guys seeing int the email he did tell me to update to first R330T then P0346T. I did know this before or had i dead i was really rookie maybe it was my mistake but i want to do things good and correct. I also have ODB Eleven as well if it helps. Here i attached the other screenshot from my Update Log.
View attachment 42016

So i do not know what to do downgrade ( is it possible ? ) or correct the problem with the recent firmware. I saw in mibsolutionsone web site there is a new firware for P02... series but since i am getting this error i did not want to brick my system. I am much appreciated for any help guys. Thanks in advance for comments and help.
That's where the guys on the thread said previously to people "get back on your original train". The modified ones can't be updated further from that point, not in the normal way. I note @leonlad is on 5 series now. I suspect the toolkit helped. Think the Turkish guy left a series of issues around as Polish retrofitters did in the UK in the past. Been there done that. As a few others.

The reliable retrofitter and board sponsor is this one :

I note they ask for the 2xx units to be returned if they want 4xx or 5xx with tiles. It's the way the update works else it may brick the unit. Then you short some pins inside to get it back if DIY it's on the net. There might be techniques which are more DIY to that 2xx to 4xx / 5xx. But if doing it yourself be prepared for it to be bricked and know the way to get it back if not UK based. East Yorkshire have fixed with bricked units from the board before and their associate up there. These were round that Turkish software as I recall. I arrived late to the party. Only the Poles were messing up mib2 highs with their antics in the UK of miss selling map and firmware updates. Those had to be sorted out by East Yorkshire or DIY which had progressed a bit with the mib2 high tool kit and 1447 AIO. The bricked units are an expert or the screws out. Expensive kit to mess up. Mib2 highs are more forgiving with train jumping, mìb2 standards aren't.
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2024
That's where the guys on the thread said previously to people "get back on your original train". The modified ones can't be updated further from that point, not in the normal way. I note @leonlad is on 5 series now. I suspect the toolkit helped. Think the Turkish guy left a series of issues around as Polish retrofitters did in the UK in the past. Been there done that. As a few others.

The reliable retrofitter and board sponsor is this one :

I note they ask for the 2xx units to be returned if they want 4xx or 5xx with tiles. It's the way the update works else it may brick the unit. Then you short some pins inside to get it back if DIY it's on the net. There might be techniques which are more DIY to that 2xx to 4xx / 5xx. But if doing it yourself be prepared for it to be bricked and know the way to get it back if not UK based. East Yorkshire have fixed with bricked units from the board before and their associate up there. These were round that Turkish software as I recall. I arrived late to the party. Only the Poles were messing up mib2 highs with their antics in the UK of miss selling map and firmware updates. Those had to be sorted out by East Yorkshire or DIY which had progressed a bit with the mib2 high tool kit and 1447 AIO. The bricked units are an expert or the screws out. Expensive kit to mess up. Mib2 highs are more forgiving with train jumping, mìb2 standards aren't.

Agreed, given the posters firmware has jumped trains so personally I'd not bother trying/risking to upgrade the firmware any further and just concentrate on trying to get the maps updated (any firmware updates won't help with that!).

Rolling back the firmware I think involves rather invasive techniques (taking the nav/cd unit out, connecting to PC and shorting pins on the circuit board, that kind of thing!).

Here's an example of what can happen with a firmware train jump and the recovery needed (and how to get back to MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0254T firmware):

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Apr 17, 2024
That's where the guys on the thread said previously to people "get back on your original train". The modified ones can't be updated further from that point, not in the normal way. I note @leonlad is on 5 series now. I suspect the toolkit helped. Think the Turkish guy left a series of issues around as Polish retrofitters did in the UK in the past. Been there done that. As a few others.

The reliable retrofitter and board sponsor is this one :

I note they ask for the 2xx units to be returned if they want 4xx or 5xx with tiles. It's the way the update works else it may brick the unit. Then you short some pins inside to get it back if DIY it's on the net. There might be techniques which are more DIY to that 2xx to 4xx / 5xx. But if doing it yourself be prepared for it to be bricked and know the way to get it back if not UK based. East Yorkshire have fixed with bricked units from the board before and their associate up there. These were round that Turkish software as I recall. I arrived late to the party. Only the Poles were messing up mib2 highs with their antics in the UK of miss selling map and firmware updates. Those had to be sorted out by East Yorkshire or DIY which had progressed a bit with the mib2 high tool kit and 1447 AIO. The bricked units are an expert or the screws out. Expensive kit to mess up. Mib2 highs are more forgiving with train jumping, mìb2 standards aren't.
Hello guys, i was out some time. I just viewed all the comments and recommendations from you guys. Thanks a lot to @MartinThorn and @Tell for their knowledge. Today i will try to update my map files with the new ones.

As you guys recommend, i will pass the firmware update. It works fine but since i am not a expert i do not want to mess up with just trying. I do not know how i can do this easily or step by step methods. It is kinda problem since i live in Mexico here it is hard to find resources or guys with the knowledge of programming.

I will try the mib2std tool box.

any further recommendations will be appreciated.


Active Member
Nov 28, 2023
…I will try the mib2std tool box.

any further recommendations will be appreciated.

You should be fine with the 02x update from mibsolution as you’re on 02x. I’d do that before attempting the toolbox install to ensure the newer GEM version. I didn’t try switching trains (0xzzz -> 0yzzz) and just applied the incremental update without issue. I think the 2018 confusion put you on the wrong track :p

I use the toolbox and it was easy to remove the SD lock. My maps now run from a random (bigger) SD card I had lying about and I use the (v3) maps card I had to run the toolbox from. However you choose to proceed, make sure you have a backup of your maps card, especially the overall.nds file as not having that would hinder any rollback, if some issue occurs.
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