I know i have map care because its in my pr numbers.
I tried to install it the way you said only thing i did different was i did it with micro sd card and sd adapter, but it said check your source or something similar
Ok we can play the Mib2 high Mapcare FEC game of understanding the codes... I think I've got it now after having my unit refreshed. Looking at a Russian link and
Obdeleven forum post.
We use the first for which button to press if we don't know
how to do it.
1. Hold Menu button until service mode shows.
2. Press "Function enabling codes (FEC, SWaP)"
3. Press "Installed codes"
We are looking for a code begining 073....
Now we need the last two characters.
Yours will be 22 (telepathy

)... Thats the period the 184 update won't work against on my reckoning.
We refer to this link:
See post 18 by Romanash
Audi added +2 (
20 > 2019 map,
22 > 2019/2020 map)
24 > 2020
26 > 2020/2021
28 > 2021
?? > 2021/2022
?? > 2022
?? > 2022/2023
?? > 2023
The brackets need altering > actually means less than so 22 is good upto 2019/2020 but not including, hence it rules out the 184 update.
Eg. 22 < 2019/2020 etc.
(FEC 07300022)
Interested to have Dejana's two last characters who has Mapcare to see whether it makes sense against when he got it enabled. Walone I reckon will be the same as mine was before I got it set to unlimited which is off the bottom of the Hex table on the Russian board which makes sense.
I compared this FEC with the ones I had on delivery and the two retrofit software updates to work this out against that Russian site. I'm assuming all Seat models with mib2 high have the 073 Mapcare code.
Handy Ready Reckoner Table for when your Mapcare runs out on a Seat Mib2 Plus / High
With this information a ready reckoner Table for Seat Mib2 Highs based on the last 2 characters of the FEC starting with 073 obtained by
1. Hold Menu button until service mode shows.
2. Press "Function enabling codes (FEC, SWaP)"
3. Press "Installed codes"
Look at the last two characters of the FEC beginning with 073:
Code Allowed - Update month
10 | |
11 | 2015 June |
12 | |
13 | 2015 Nov |
14 | |
15 | 2016 June |
16 | |
17 | 2016 Nov |
18 | |
19 | 2017 June |
1a | |
1b | 2017 Nov |
1c | |
1d | 2018 June |
1e | |
1f | 2018 Nov |
20 | |
21 | 2019 June |
22 | |
23 | 2019 Nov |
24 | |
25 | 2020 June |
26 | |
27 | 2020 Nov |
28 | |
29 | 2021 June |
2a | |
2b | 2021 Nov |
2c | |
2d | 2022 June |
2e | |
2f | 2022 Nov |
30 | |
31 | 2023 June |
32 | |
33 | 2023 Nov |
34 | |
35 | 2024 June |
36 | |
37 | 2024 Nov |
38 | |
39 | 2025 June |
3a | |
3b | 2025 Nov |
3c | |
3d | 2026 June |
3e | |
3f | 2026 Nov |
40 | |
41 | 2027 June |
42 | |
43 | 2027 Nov |
44 | |
45 | 2028 June |
46 | |
47 | 2028 Nov |
48 | |
49 | 2029 June |
4A | |
4B | 2029 Nov |
4C | |
4D | 2030 June |
4E | |
4F | 2030 Nov |
50 | |
51 | 2031 June |
52 | |
53 | 2031 Nov |
54 | |
55 | 2032 June |
56 | |
57 | 2032 Nov |
58 | |
59 | 2033 June |
5A | |
5B | 2033 Nov |
5C | |
5D | 2034 June |
5E | |
5F | 2034 Nov |
In the table above I've re-organised the codes on the Russian website into how we know Mapcare FEC code works on a Seat Mib2 Plus (High) - sliding the quarters to match. For example if the Mapcare code ends in 22 you can load up to June 2019 but can't go beyond (my last experience). 16 covers June 2016 but not beyond (my original with build in the autumn). 10 doesn't include 2015 June (Walone's original), Walone's currently at 22 complaining about activation which is the precursor to it not taking updated map. Five point validation
Edited August 2020 to add in additional a decode from Hex code 40 on running to 5F since some retro-fitters are said to be adding 10 years on.