Coops's Black Leon Cupra R - UPDATE: Miltek De-Cat Fitted and sounding sweet!


Sep 1, 2009
Had a bit of an incident on Friday night.

Driving down a road when a guy pulls out in front of me when he really should have, so I flash my lights at him. As he drives past me he winds down his window and starts shouting abuse at me, calling me a **** etc, I just looked at him, gave him a hand gesture and drove off thinking nothing more of it.

2mins laters he comes driving at speed up behind me, flashing his lights, honking his horn etc. I thought he would eventually get bored so kept driving as usual, 5mins pass and hes still doing it.

Then i get boxed in at a set of traffic lights (which i was trying to avoid) and he jumps out of his car and comes up to my window, still shouting abuse. He tells me to get out and he will "slash me up" and kick my head it etc, obviously I refuse and tell him to calm down etc to which he tries to punch through my window, and failed. Then tries opening the door, and fails at that also as I had locked it when I saw him getting out of his car. He shouts more abuse before kicking my wing mirror off, jumping back in his car and speeding off. I had lost my temper at this point and got out of the car but as soon as he kicked the mirror he run back to his car and sped off.

I got his number plate and a full description and called the police immediately. Im going to the station tomorrow to make a formal statement. I have said that if he is willing to pay for the damage I will drop the charges.

A new mirror from seremotors has cost me £74 + two gloss black mirror caps. Excellent service from him I must say, and great prices too. Thanks!

However im now left with a mirror looking like this....




Well if you were driving like you were in those videos then I'm not surprised...

In all seriousness though I'm sorry to hear it mate, some people should be locked up. At least he didnt punch your window out, I bet he's got a bruised knuckle :cartman: what a :w4nk:

Rich23 UK

Slave to my LCR
Sep 15, 2009
Sorry to hear that mate. :(

Sounds like a right nob head. [:@]
No need for behaving like that. I'm sure he will pay up if you drop the charges. Good luck with it.


Sep 1, 2009
Well if you were driving like you were in those videos then I'm not surprised...

In all seriousness though I'm sorry to hear it mate, some people should be locked up. At least he didnt punch your window out, I bet he's got a bruised knuckle :cartman: what a :w4nk:

Residential street, 30mph, cars parked either side, he could have let me go as he did the car in front but didn't and swung straight out in front of me. I didnt do anything wrong! No need for the abuse and criminal damage at all!!


Sep 1, 2009
Here is what I have been working on today. I start off with very ugly stained white wheel bolt covers as shown below:


So decided I would spray them black. Heres how they looked when I got them off:


So I sanded them down, washed and dried them in preparation for spraying. Two coats of primer later we have:


Then gave them two coats of black and two laquer too. Heres how the first batch came out:


Did the remaining lot as well but forgot to take a picture. Will get a picture of them all on the car tomorrow.

Oh and my replacement wing mirror arrived and the gloss black covers too. Will be fitting them in the daylight tomorrow :)

cap r 225

the need for speed!
Feb 24, 2008
sorry to hear about the:w4nk: mate, glad your getting it sorted. I'd charge the :censored:
myself. A criminal record will hurt alot more than £75, chances are he'll pay up and do it again to someone else.:shrug:

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Sorry to hear about that, hope you get it sorted.

Just out of interest is that a whole new mirror for £74? whats included for that price?


Sep 1, 2009
Finished the wheel bolt covers today. So here is a before pic:


And After: :)


Smartens it up a fair bit, just need to wash it now but its raining, again! :censored:

Also got rid of the chrome mirror covers today and fitted gloss black ones instead as shown below:


Debating whether to spray the chrome part of the seat logo and central grill black too.

Thanks for looking.


nice car indeed!!!that bloke sounds like a right numpty!!! take the wing mirror off, find him and hit him with it lol


Bloke sounds like a right bellend, if he just shouted abuse and did nothing else i would have just let it go, but the second he touched my car i would have got out and laid him out and hospitalised him, simple as (if they dont have respect for me or my stuff, i dont for them :) ), my noto, dont touch what isnt yours unless given permission ;) Hopefully the police can sort it out :) Nice car mate ;)
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Sep 1, 2009
Bloke sounds like a right bellend, if he just shouted abuse and did nothing else i would have just let it go, but the second he touched my car i would have got out and laid him out and hospitalised him, simple as, my noto, dont touch what isnt yours unless given permission ;) Hopefully the police can sort it out :)

I was the same mate, but as soon as he did it, he ran back to his car and drove off!

Spent 2 hours down the cop shop yesterday giving my statement. She said she would go and knock on his door on Tuesday and see what he has to say for himself.


I was the same mate, but as soon as he did it, he ran back to his car and drove off!

Spent 2 hours down the cop shop yesterday giving my statement. She said she would go and knock on his door on Tuesday and see what he has to say for himself.

You should have got out when he tried punching the window or opening your door ;)

Cool, i hope he gets what he deserves :)


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Bloke sounds like a right bellend, if he just shouted abuse and did nothing else i would have just let it go, but the second he touched my car i would have got out and laid him out and hospitalised him, simple as (if they dont have respect for me or my stuff, i dont for them :) ), my noto, dont touch what isnt yours unless given permission ;) Hopefully the police can sort it out :) Nice car mate ;)
Difference is Brad your near 6.5"?? 15-17 Stone?
Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
Man that chap sounds like a complete nob. How he doesnt get a way with it. Car looks in great condition tbh. You got a really good deal there!!! I have a black LCR too and yeah, they always look mint when cleaned... then it always rains after :)

Would be interested to see how you get on with the machine polisher as i would like to get swirls out of mine too...

nice to see you being pro-active on yours - had mine a few months, and not really done too much to mine, unfortunately time and money at a premium at the mo... but I'll keep an eye on this thread mate - have a feeling you're gonna end up doing loads.

PS. Love the B&W shot btw!!!


Sep 1, 2009
Difference is Brad your near 6.5"?? 15-17 Stone?

:lol: !!! Im 5"8 and 10 stone, dont think I stood a chance to be honest :(

I did get out when he did the mirror but he ran back to his car and drove off as soon as he did it!!

Man that chap sounds like a complete nob. How he doesnt get a way with it. Car looks in great condition tbh. You got a really good deal there!!! I have a black LCR too and yeah, they always look mint when cleaned... then it always rains after :)

Would be interested to see how you get on with the machine polisher as i would like to get swirls out of mine too...

nice to see you being pro-active on yours - had mine a few months, and not really done too much to mine, unfortunately time and money at a premium at the mo... but I'll keep an eye on this thread mate - have a feeling you're gonna end up doing loads.

PS. Love the B&W shot btw!!!

Im waiting for a bit of an improvement in the weather before I polish it, its awful at the moment!

I wanted to personalise the car and make it my own, wasnt too keen on some of the previous owner choice of mods.